Marie Toole
2 min readMar 22, 2021

Have you ever stopped to think about how many different relationships you’ve had in this world? We all played various roles in each one’s life. After mom and dad and siblings, there were the Teachers and playmates we encountered in school. Look back and see the role you played in each one.

What does a relationship mean to you? To me, it is a close association with someone I want in my life. Although we all know, a relationship takes a lot of effort to maintain, some people we choose are worth it. When we find kinship, sanctuary, and a feeling of security, what more could we want? Some say they need a better understanding of who they are.

We all want an intimate relationship with the self. When we love ourselves and have strong confidence in our qualities, how much more comfortable, it is to love another. It’s how we treat ourselves. Are we as kind and compassionate as we are with others? Do we place guilt on our shoulders, live with worry or fear? We owe ourselves so much more love and tenderness.

Have we a close relationship with God? This is where I go when the worries become too much for me to handle. I know He’s got me covered in the love and compassion department and is looking out for me. What a consoling thought. If I can give it up and let God handle it, it is a much lighter and brighter world for me. Every time I try to do it on my own, it doesn’t seem to work out well.

God has plans and purpose for my existence, and I see it open like a wrapped present before me. Sometimes it is a person I meet who awakens the sleeping gifts I possess and who draws out the best in me.

I realize that this person was sent for a reason.

We have an innate quality that compels us to form a relationship with another. It is our judgment and common sense which will tell us whether this is for a good or bad experience. Instinctively, we will choose the one who ideally fits our present condition.

On each person’s journey to our eternal home, it is essential that we keep our relationship with God on a daily basis. When we remember to ask, to thank, and to follow Him closely, we can sail through life with the Master at the helm.

Ask yourself the question by reviewing the relationships in your life. Is each one serving the purpose that is intended?



Marie Toole

Writing is a huge part of my life. I have been writing for as long as I can remember.